General information
Only unpublished original papers will be accepted by the editors of the journal. They should not exceed 14-15 pages including references, tables and figures. The number of figures should correspond to the length of the paper. Manuscripts should be sent to the following address:
Katedra Mechaniki i Techniki Cieplnej, Wydział Technologii Drewna
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
ul. Wojska Polskiego 38/42
60-637 Poznań
Submission of a manuscript implies an approval for publishing a paper in printed and electronic versions.
The text should be typed with 1½ line spacing. Use font 12 pt Times New Roman. Avoid underlining letters, words and sentences. Use italics or bold font to emphasize text. Do not embed figures and plots within the text. Files with the text save in MS Word for Windows (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf).
Composition of papers
The paper should contain: title, name(s) of author(s), affiliation, short abstract (i.e. synopsis containing the description of experiments but without results), key words, introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions, references, abstract of the paper, mailing addresses of the author(s).
All figures should be prepared in the electronic form and saved in separate files in one of the following formats: GIF, JPEG, PCX, BMP, TIF, PS, EPS. Proprietary file formats (i.e. files saved with Corel Draw, Designer, Autocad, Illustrator etc.) are not allowed. Captions of all figures should be saved in a separate file.
In the text, literature should be cited by giving name(s) of author(s) and publishing year, e.g. Kowalski (1900), Kowalski and Nowak (1800), Kowalski et al. (1700) – if there are three or more authors. References should be alphabetically listed:
- book:
Akin J.E. (1994): Finite elements for analysis and design. Academic Press, London. - book — multi-author work:
Modelowanie numeryczne pól temperatury. (1992). Ed. J. Szargut. WNT, Warszawa. - book section:
Perre P., Turner I. (1997): The use of macroscopic equation to simulate heat and mass transfer in porous media. In: Mathematical modeling and numerical techniques in drying technology. Eds. I. Turner, A.S. Mujumdar. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York. - paper from a journal:
Petty J.A. (1978): Influence of viscosity and pressure on the radial absorption of non-swelling liquids by pine wood. Holzforschung 32 (4): 134-137. - conference papers:
Taylor J.M., Lavery D.J., Norton B. (1994): A fundamental approach to the prediction of changes in moisture content in drying timber using ultrasonic sound. Proceedings of the 4th IUFRO Conference on Wood Drying. Rotorua, New Zealand, August 9-13, 1994: 241-246.